Friday, October 21, 2011

Dilithium Dilemma

So... STO's economy revamp is shaping up to be the worst idea Cryptic has ever had, from a player's standpoint.  Bear in mind all my information here is second-hand, because I'm still not subbing.  (One of the best financial decisions I ever made.)

The idea behind Dilithium is that it is a "time-based currency".  In other words, you only get it by investing time in playing the game.  Or, eventually, by trading for it with C-Points.  All of the good stuff in the game is eventually going to cost either Dilithium or C-Store points.  Probably necessary, considering they want players with free accounts to spend money in the C-Store.

The real problem with this idea is that Dilithium costs are way too high, if the forums are to be believed.  You have to buy ships with it, you have to buy gear with it, and now you need it for crafting, too.  The Dilithium economy is capped with a restriction on how much of it you can refine per day... because while the game awards you with unrefined Dilithium ore, you can only spend the refined stuff.

It seems to me that Dilithium is being set up to be in high demand.  Too high, I suspect.  I have a feeling that the demand will not only exceed the supply, but that it will "starve" players out of the economy and out of the game.  Cryptic will have to adjust it of course, but not before STO's reputation takes yet another hit.

Worse, subscribers who pay their monthly fee appear to get very little respite from the Dilithium demand.  They'll have to grind it like everybody else, or they'll be spending their meager stipend of C-Store points on nothing but Dilithium and not enough to do them any real good.

Here's my suggestion, but I can't tell Cryptic because as a non-subber I am locked out of their forums:  Make Dilithium REALLY time-based.  Subscribers should get Dilithium just for time logged in, over and above whatever they get actually playing the game.  Or even a small amount just for subscription time.  If Cryptic does that, I can just about guarantee that they'll not only preserve their existing subscriber base, they'll get others like me to resub.

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