Friday, March 4, 2011

Commentary on "Ask Cryptic, March 2011"

So, the latest "Ask Cryptic" is up, where the Executive Producer for Star Trek Online answers questions from players.

I understand he can't answer everybody's questions.  There were over 1000 posts in the question thread!  But I can't help thinking that he really did some cherry picking for short questions that could be answered easily.  Hint for future installments: Make sure your question is only one or two sentences long.

Still, there were a few interesting tidbits in there.
A: We are working closely with the Champions Online team on a big update for interiors that will allow players much more control over what is displayed and available on their ship interior. We don’t have a solid eta for this, but it is something that both of our teams are developing as a cool new feature that will greatly improve ship interiors.
A: We have long term plans to allow Player Run Starbases to be “staffed” by extra officers you have. We are also looking into increasing storage so that you can have more potential candidates in the wings.
A: We have created a system map for each planet in the Sol system, and where appropriate we have also added stations and other sites that are expected to be there such as Utopia Planetia at Mars and Jupiter Station at Jupiter. You will have a navigation option that will ask you which planet you want to visit and it will transfer you there.
Other notable things which were mentioned were that Featured Episode replay is being looked at for March or April, new kits are in the works, and another Science vessel (the Oberth) is planned for April or May.

Which answers interested you the most?  Post your comments here!

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