Thursday, March 3, 2011

Top Ten Features I Want To See In Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online is a great game.  It has caused my inner Trekkie to bloom and rekindled my interest in all of the Star Trek lore.  The game is sure to grow and add new features.  These are the ones I really want to see in the next two years.

1. Romulan Faction

Ok, this one's a no-brainer.  Everybody wants this.  A third Trek faction could potentially alter the dynamic of the entire game, particularly if Territory Control zones are ever added.  Plus Romulans are cool.

2. Exploration Maps Without Inconsistencies

Ever visited an uninhabited planet with colony buildings on it?  I have.  The worst, though, was one where I was told I had to hide from the natives so we wouldn't contaminate their development and the whole freaking landscape had been Borgified.  I don't think the Prime Directive applies.  Plus the buried and otherwise inaccessible data anomalies drive me nuts.

"Lieutenant, hand me a shovel."

3. Diplomatic Exchange Bridge Officers I'd Actually Want

When you diplo-grind your way up to full Ambassador, you are supposed to get your pick of bridge officer candidates from the opposing faction.  What you get to choose from are a bunch of common, average BO's ... nearly all of which are completely inferior to the candidates you have sitting around doing nothing because you can only use so many Tactical officers.  Currently, the only real use for this is to indulge geek fantasies of having an Orion Love Slave ... which I don't.  These DXO's should be Rare with Improved/Superior racial traits and Tier III skills.

4. Personnel Bank for Fleets

Trading and training Bridge Officers is too difficult under the current system.  Fleets especially ought to have the ability to reassign BO's (and later on Duty Officers) with ease.  One way to do this would be to give fleets a special Personnel Bank to facilitate this.

5. Call Me Admiral

When my Vulcan character was a Rear Admiral (Lower Half) it was extremely annoying to have  Non-Player Characters addressing him like "You're our best hope, Rear Admiral, Lower Half G'eek".  I don't think the average Starfleet command officer should talk like an obsessive-compulsive idiot who can't figure out to call him just "Admiral" like in the real world.  In addition to this, I wish we could have more leeway to customize how we're addressed by NPC's in general.  His real name is supposed to be "G'eek, Son of N'erd" but I had to change it.  "Rear Admiral, Lower Half Son of N'erd" was just too much to deal with.

6. Customized Kits Or On-The-Fly Kit Swapping

The only options a Player Captain has on Ground missions are:
  • Which two weapons to equip?
  • Which four Bridge Officers to take?
  • Which kit to equip (for special class-related abilities)?
The kits, unfortunately, tend to have one or two nice abilities and the rest are hardly ever used.  To get the full range of abilities, a Player Captain needs all of the kits in his inventory and can't (easily) swap them out in combat.  It would be very nice if we could roll our own kits, or if we could swap them out more easily (like we do with weapons).

While I'm on the subject of customization, I'd also love to see the ability to customize other equipment abilities as well.

7. Retrofitted Ships

Over the course of a career, your character gets to fly a number of different ships.  But, there's no going back to fly your favorite because it's underpowered for your current rank.  The ability to retrofit your old ships to make them relatively useful again would be a real boon.

8. Exocomp Pets

I want my own Exocomp floating along behind me and using certain Engineering abilities to help me out (regenerate my personal shields, remove mechanical debuffs, etc).

9. In-Game Databank

It's the 23rd century, right?  I'm surrounded by databanks, but they don't tell me a darn thing about the planet I'm on, Klingon customs, etc.  Why can't we have an in-game databank/encyclopedia?  Sure, I can go to, but a subset of information in-game and at your fingertips would be better.

10. Ship Interior Missions

Because some of the TV episodes that had things going on right there on the Enterprise were the coolest of all.

What do you want to see?  Leave your comments here!

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