Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Featured Episode: Series 3, Part 5 "Cutting The Cord"

I had a chance to play through the latest Featured Episode in the "Cloaked Intentions" series, "Cutting The Cord".  There was a lot to like in this new episode, and a few new twists and gimmicks.

The first part of the mission is basically to blast your way into orbit over the Tal Shiar base.  This was probably the most boring part.  It was both too easy and too time-consuming as a solo mission.  More enemy ships and fewer enemy space turrets would have been better, I think.

One of the new gimmicks is a "virtual path guide" that basically shows you which way you're supposed to go.  This was a neat gimmick, and I hope they port that feature over to the Foundry for use by players.  The three dimensional nature of the map was very nice and added to the experience.

I also liked the ability to call in an "Orbital Strike", even though it's mostly just a couple of cutscenes.

The respawning mobs (both Romulan enemies and Reman allies) were another interesting feature that I hope gets into the Foundry.

I won't spoil the story, but it's not bad.  Like some others, I am puzzled over the decision to involve Empress Sela in the final space battle and the outcome.  I suppose we'll find out in a future FE.

Briefly touching on the rewards, I suspect that the tractor mines are not going to be a popular weapon, at least not if you're on the receiving end.  Most people didn't want another Bridge Officer, but I'm geeked that it was a Science Officer.

So, what did you like or dislike about this episode?  What did you think of the series as a whole?  Leave your comments here!

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